
Dimes for 42nd Street

We often get asked to print hard wearing floor graphics, but it’s not every day that the request stipulates that the job needs to stand up to tap dancing! On top of that, the set design company wanted the floor graphics to be printed on metallic chrome vinyl. They are to form


CAD Cut Leather

This was something we couldn’t have done a year ago. We were asked to laminate adhesive onto the back of a 15m roll of faux leather, and then cut it to shape on our Summa cutter. This would not have been possible on our old drag knife cutter, but our new tangential


Pudsey Set

We were asked to produce eight giant cutout headless Pudsey Bears this November. We supplied these durable CAD cut black Amari Foam prints to use on the set of the live Children in Need show broadcast by the BBC. We also made the eight boxes out of lightweight Foam-X that were


Olympics Display – British Museum

We supplied various CAD cut boards and mobiles, as well as cut window decals to decorate the British Museum shop in the run up to the 2012 Olypmics.