
Wrapped Building

Bit of an unusual one this. We were asked to print enough bespoke wrapping paper to wrap an entire shopfront, to make it look like a Christmas present. This was a very short term project because the owners wanted passers-by to tear the paper off with their bare hands to


Portable Backdrop

We were asked to design and print some colourful backdrops suitable for a travelling theatre group to take round schools. They had to be waterproof and lightweight, but most of all colourful and engaging. The substrate we recommended was a lightweight voil called Vision Screen. It’s a 125gsm synthetic fabric,


MDF Photo Prints

These impress us every time from Listen Studio. It always helps that we are supplied excellent photos to begin with, but the resolution of our printer and the high gloss laminate that we apply makes the colours really pop on these prints, that we mount to 15mm MDF boards with


Levis Hoarding

Large hoarding, printed in sections. 3mm Amari board which was then bonded onto plywood, before being constructed over the shopfront in Carnaby Street.


Back to School (2018)

It’s that time of year again. Up and down the country, schools and colleges are hosting open days to promote a new intake of students for September 2018. Naturally, one of the last things they think about is a colourful, eye-catching banner to hang outside the school to advertise their


British Museum American Dream

The American Dream exhibition was crazily colourful and we loved it; we had to give the gift shop the same treatment which was a lot of fun. The designs around the American flag, changing the colours to give a real pop art feel to them, display them around the whole


Pudsey Set

We were asked to produce eight giant cutout headless Pudsey Bears this November. We supplied these durable CAD cut black Amari Foam prints to use on the set of the live Children in Need show broadcast by the BBC. We also made the eight boxes out of lightweight Foam-X that were


AKD Promotional Video

We were glad to help out our friends at AKD Solutions the other day, when they asked to film here for their promotional video. We make the learning maps for AKD which are basically oversized board games that they design themselves, which are used for team building and staff training


New toys

It’s always exciting when a new bit of kit arrives. Today, we took delivery of the latest addition to our inkjet lineup… An HP Z6200. An excellent printer with its own built in spectrophotometer so it can automatically generate media profiles and stay calibrated. It was up and running within


Wonka’s Eye Catching Golden Tickets

It’s good to see our Golden Tickets catching everybodies eye in this item on the BBC website today. Printed directly onto galvanised gold vinyl using our Latex inkjet, these double sided golden tickets look spectacular under the bright stage lights of the West End’s Drury Lane Theatre. We were also